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Premium Solar Panel Pigeon Protection

Making Solar Look Good!

Solar Panel Protection & Pigeon Proofing in Brighton.

Pigeons love to nest under solar panels, causing mess and damaging cables. SolaSkirt keeps them out.

Gives solar panels a sleek black finish

SolaSkirt gives any solar panel system a sleek, black edged, look, covering up unsightly gaps, rain water run-off, cables, rail and clamps.

Looking for an installation?

We have our own in-house team installing solar panel pigeon protection in Surrey, Sussex, Kent, London, Hampshire and Berkshire. Most of the images on the gallery are completed by our own installation team.

Our installation includes

— Supply & installation of SolaSkirt
— Removal of nests (where possible)

Please note we do not lift panels or look to remove nests with sticks as this will frequently cause more damage than the nest does. Over time most when not being used they will disintegrate over time.

— Gutter clearing
— Biocide application (where necessary)
— Panel cleaning

We will give the panels a clean (need a hose or water supply) – we may charge extra if the panels are very dirty.

Benefits of SolaSkirt
  • Gives solar panels a sleek finish
  • Improves curb appeal
  • Keeps out pigeons and other pests
  • Prevents detritus build up
  • Storm tested
  • New installations & retrofit
  • Lifetime protection
  • Innovative design
  • Gives silver framed systems a black trim
  • Hides rail, gaps, water run-off, cables and clamps

What Our Clients Say

Keeps Out Pigeons

Sleek Finish

10 Year Warranty

Pigeon proofs solar PV systems and gives solar panels a sleek finish

Pigeons love to nest under solar panels which can lead to pigeon droppings, nest build up, damaged cables and dead birds. The panels provide them warmth and safety from predators, but they can easily damage cables and lead to system failure.

Lost income & energy savings - damaged cables mean a loss of output, often for a whole row of interconnected panels, meaning reduced feed-in tariff income and energy savings

Secure Fixing - SolaSkirt uses secure aluminium clamps that are fixed to the frame of any solar panel and designed to last as long as your solar panels.

Making Solar Look Good - Solar panel systems often look unsightly, with many systems having silver frames as well as an unsightly gap. SolaSkirt improves the look of the panels as well as protects them from unwanted pests.

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Based on 498 reviews