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Based on 498 reviews

More Sales

Many of our installers report that including SolaSkirt helps them win sales vs other companies that only offer mesh.  They also see an increase in referrals from happy customers.

Better Aesthetics

Most customers, when given the option, will choose to install an attractive trim to complete their installation.

Pigeon Proofing

Many customers increasingly choose to install pigeon proofing to reduce the chance of problems in the future.

Pigeons are a growing problem, and the habit of nesting under solar panels is spreading rapidly across the UK.

SolaSkirt Installer 5-year Warranty

SolaSkirt, if installed correctly, will survive the most severe storms.  Because we are confident in our product, we will warranty YOUR SolaSkirt installations for up to 5-years if they have been installed as per our Tips and Tricks sheet and in YouTube installation video.


In particular the skirt needs to be overlapped in the double clamp to give the system extra strength and all of the grub screws need to be securely tightened.  If installed correctly and a length of skirt becomes detached we will repair the system for FREE.  This also includes checking the whole installation and ensuring the entire system is installed correctly.


We also offer a fix service where the system has not been installed correctly.  We will charge between £100 and £300 depending on size and location.

SolaSkirt Installer Scheme

We have a preferred installer scheme that we have put in place to work with pest control companies and solar panel installers.

We currently supply SolaSkirt to over 350 solar PV installers and pest controllers in the UK.

  • New Leads – we pass leads to local installers
  • Installers – installers offer SolaSkirt as a premium option to their normal mesh quotes to allow customers to upgrade

Benefits for Installers

Easy to fit

Our clamp system is easy to use. All you need is a 4mm allen key and a hacksaw/tin snips. Thats it! Installation time is slightly longer than for mesh.

Covers clamps

Our skirt is designed to cover most panel clamps. Some bigger ones, noticably Variosole, need notches cut out which takes seconds.

Some of the companies installing SolaSkirt

Marketing Materials

Send these to your customers.

SolaSkirt Brochure
SolaSkirt Installation Instructions
SolaMesh Installation Instructions
Mesh Installation Instructions

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Google Rating
Based on 498 reviews